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65 results

  • Blog - Brechas en entornos de PRE

    Personal Data Breaches: Development and Pre-Production Environments

    Frequently, major personal data breaches do not occur in the most important systems of an organisation, but in secondary systems or systems considered less important but which hold a large amount of information or may be the gateway to other systems. This is the case of test, pre-production or...

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  • Blog

    Blockchain (III): Smart Contracts and personal data

    Smart contracts are algorithms that run without human intervention on a blockchain. When the result of the same has a significant impact on natural persons, or elaborate profiles, the requirements established in article 22 of the RGPD must be taken into account  from the design. This implies that...

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  • Sin privacidad no hay ciberseguridad

    Without privacy there is no cybersecurity

    The ultimate aim of cybersecurity is to protect organisations and individuals by means of protecting their systems and networks. To this end, it makes use of organizational, legal and technical measures. The human factor is the key element behind the chain of security guarantees and, at the same...

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  • Blog - Cifrado y Privacidad (V): la clave como dato personal

    Encryption and Privacy V: The key as personal data

    The public key of a natural person is a unique identifier and its use in online services is generally associated with other types of information that make it possible to identify and profile the person holding such a key. Under these conditions, the public key is personal data that uniquely...

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  • Privacidad diferencial

    Anonymisation and pseudonymisation (II): Differential privacy

    The strategic value of personal data for companies and organisations is obvious. However, the risk that the massive processing of personal data poses to the rights and freedoms of individuals and to our model of society is equally undeniable. For this reason, it is necessary to adopt the necessary...

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  • people

    Anonymisation and pseudonymisation

    Anonymisation and pseudonymisation are two concepts which are sometimes confused. Anonymous information is a data set which does not relate to an identified or identifiable natural person (Recital 26 of the GDPR), whereas pseudonymised information is a set of data that can no longer be attributed to...

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  • Teletrabajo

    Telecommuting and data protection in the digital sphere

    More than a year ago, the exceptional situation resulting from the COVID-19 pandemic laid on the table of all kinds of organisations the urgent need for an unscheduled change in traditional business models. One of the most important issues was the implementation of telecommuting policies. In a...

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  • IoT (III) Domótica. Internet de las Cosas: riesgos y recomendaciones

    IoT (III): IoT Home Automation

    Finding home elements that have converted into intelligent devices with an Internet connection is increasingly frequent. So much so that we often see this type of devices in catalogues of furniture shops and even of supermarkets quickly becoming part of our homes. Thus, it is necessary to pay...

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  • HTTPS: Cifrado en la web

    HTTPS: Encryption on the Web

    In most cases where a web browser or app on a mobile phone is used to surf on the Internet, encrypted connections are used through an HTTPS communication protocol (HyperText Transfer Protocol Secure or HTTP on TLS). This technique was initially applied to ensure communications in payment methods and...

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