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65 results

  • Gobernanza

    Data Governance and Data Protection Policy

    Data have become a key factor for any organisation. The skill to process data to build value is a fundamental element of increasing the efficacy and efficiency of the decision making process. Data governance is the strategy for the correct administration and management of data policy in the...

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  • blog acortadores url

    URL shorteners

    Widespread use of instant messaging tools, microblogging services and other social media with character limitation functions has led to a generalisation of shortened links (URLs) to share web addresses. However, when we click on a short URL we cannot be sure of where it will point to, and this may...

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  • Cifrado homomorfico

    Encryption and Privacy III: Homomorphic encryption

    In the framework of “Encryption and Privacy”, this article focuses on homomorphic encryption. This privacy by default technique is suitable for cases where a controller contracts a processor to carry out part of the processing and the controller wishes to ensure, from a technical point of view, that...

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  • Personal data breaches: online productivity platforms

    Personal data breaches: online productivity platforms

    Business email has evolved to become the gateway to productivity and office automation technology platforms in the cloud, through which much of an organisation's information - including personal data - flows. The potential for accessing all this strategic and confidential information has, in recent...

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  • Recomendaciones para prevención del acoso digital

    Recommendations to Prevent Digital Harassment

    The Agency offers a set of recommendations aimed at eradicating workplace harassment and gender-based harassment when these types of behaviours occur in the digital sphere through the use and processing of personal data.

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  • Data protection and security

    Data protection and security

    Security is a necessary but not sufficient element to safeguard rights and freedoms of people regarding personal data protection. In addition, if security measures are not aimed at protecting said rights but to achieving other objectives, they may actually pose a threat to freedom.

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  • Personal data and Emergencies

    Personal data and emergencies

    The data are necessary to address emergency situations, like local, national or global emergencies. There are rules to make them accessible with the necessary legal, organizational and technical safeguards.

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  • Vehículos conectados

    Connected Cars

    On 20 December 2019, the EDPS (European Data Protection Supervisor) published a “tech dispatch” on connected cars and data protection: “Connected Cars”. For your interest, here is a brief summary of the document.

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  • Seguridad

    Personal data security breaches: Top 5 technical measures to be taken into account

    In this post, five technical measures will be explained with regard to security that play a main role in the processing of personal data in order to meet the obligations of proactive responsibility established in the GDPR. Such measures will be useful both to avoid security breaches of personal data...

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