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Se actualizarán los resultados al seleccionar una opción de los filtros


64 results

  • chris-yang-1tns-BVy9Jk-unsplash

    Anonymization III: The risk of re-identification

    The anonymization is a processing that requires the application of the proactive responsibility principles. This means that the controller must ensure, with a formal analysis, that the anonymized data set is not re-identifiable. However, it must be assumed that there could be a residual probability...

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  • Foto de Philipp Katzenberger en Unsplash

    When to review data protection measures

    The measures that guarantee and demonstrate that a processing is in conformity with data protection regulations must be reviewed and updated in the event of any change in the nature, scope, context, purposes of the processing or any change in the risks to the rights and freedoms of natural persons...

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  • deepmind-LaKwLAmcnBc-unsplash

    Neurodata: privacy and protection of personal data (II)

    Brain-computer interfaces make possible to record the activity generated by the brain. This activity depends on internal and external factors to the individual, which act on a certain genetic basis. These technologies allow the collection of neurodata which, as they are associated with identified or...

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  • machine-learning

    Neurodata and neurotechnology: privacy and protection of personal data

    Recent advances in neuro-technology and artificial intelligence are enabling the emergence of a growing number of connected devices that monitor brain activity for different purposes. 

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  • Foto de julien Tromeur en Unsplash

    Metaverse and Privacy

    Metaverses aim to extend the social networking experience far beyond the visual aspect or 3D graphics. The metaverse engages the user in multiple dimensions, such as social, economic, political or emotional, to the point of virtualizing all aspects of the development of an individual, and extends...

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  • Blog: Reconocimiento facial

    Use of biometric data: Assessment from a data protection perspective

    Processing operations involving biometric data operations can be used for many different purposes, such as proof of life, identification, authentication, tracking, profiling, automatic decisions, etc. Biometric operations can use different techniques, some of them simultaneously, and the same...

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  • Privacidad desde el diseño

    Privacy by Design: Secure Multi-Part Computation: Additive Sharing of Secrets

    Hindering research under the pretext of data protection or, on the contrary, justifying the concentration and mass communication of special categories of data as the only way to carry it out, is a binary discourse that should already be overcome. Data analytics is a science that generates useful...

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  • Blog Dark Patterns

    Dark patterns: Manipulation in Internet services

    Photo from JESHOOTS.COM The term dark patterns refers to user interfaces and user experience implementations intended to influence people's behaviour and decisions when interacting with websites, apps and social networks, so that they make decisions that are potentially detrimental to the protection...

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  • Blog - Brechas en entornos de PRE

    Personal Data Breaches: Development and Pre-Production Environments

    Frequently, major personal data breaches do not occur in the most important systems of an organisation, but in secondary systems or systems considered less important but which hold a large amount of information or may be the gateway to other systems. This is the case of test, pre-production or...

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