
Logo AEPD una tinta

Worldcoin commits to stop its activity in Spain

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The Agency orders a precautionary measure that prevents Meta from implementing the electoral functionalities that it plans to launch in Spain

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Gestiona2 noticia

AEPD launches new version of its Manage GDPR tool

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The Agency orders a precautionary measure which prevents Worldcoin from continuing to process personal data in Spain

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La directora de la AEPD, Mar España, y la presidenta de la CNPD, Paula Meira Lourenço, (en el centro de la imagen, a derecha e izquierda, respectivamente) junto al resto de representantes de las autoridades española y portuguesa de protección de datos.

The AEPD and the CNPD express concern about the increase in digital violence and its consequences for physical and mental health

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Quality Innovation Award

The AEPD, awarded by the Association of Promoting Centers of Excellence for its actions carried out for the protection of children and adolescents in the digital environment

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We help you to answer your questions about data protection

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The director of the AEPD, Mar España, awarded in the category ‘Innovation’ in the VI Confilegal Awards

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Di No

El Canal prioritario, premiado en la Asamblea Global de Privacidad que reúne a 140 Autoridades de Protección de Datos y Privacidad de todo el mundo

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Modificación del Código de conducta de AUTOCONTROL ‘Tratamiento de datos en la actividad publicitaria’

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Logo AEPD una tinta

Nota informativa para DPDs certificados por Cualicontrol

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Do you know our newsletter? We tell you how to subscribe so you don't miss anything

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La AEPD renueva Asesora Brecha y Comunica Brecha, herramientas que ayudan a actuar ante quiebras de seguridad que afecten a datos personales

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La AEPD, premiada por PantallasAmigas por sus acciones realizadas para la protección de la infancia en el entorno digital

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La Agencia lanza la herramienta ValidaCripto para evaluar los sistemas de cifrado

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Infografía ChatBot

Recomendaciones para usuarios en la utilización de chatbots con Inteligencia Artificial

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EDBP - Directrices 04/2022 sobre el cálculo de las multas bajo el RGPD

El Comité Europeo de Protección de Datos adopta unas directrices de cálculo de sanciones

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AEDT pacto de estado digital

La AEPD apoya la propuesta de Pacto de Estado 'Protegiendo a la infancia y adolescencia en el entorno digital'

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Administraciones Públicas sancionadas por no responder y por incumplir medidas

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¿Qué debes tener en cuenta antes de dar un teléfono móvil a tu hijo o hija?

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La identidad como derecho


Identity as a right

In this post, we discuss the potential implications of treating identity as a service rather than a fundamental right and how the shift towards identity as a service impacts individuals' control over their personal data. The commodification of identity may affect citizens' rights and freedoms, social inclusion and equality and involves different ethical considerations. How can governments balance providing identity services with protecting citizens' fundamental rights and autonomy?

You too


with the


If you are aware of the publication on the internet of photographs, videos or audios of sexual or violent content whose illegal dissemination puts at serious risk the rights and freedoms or the physical or mental health of the affected persons, you can request their immediate withdrawal on the Priority Channel of the AEPD.

Información práctica

Conoce tus derechos icono

Know your rights


Facilita RGPD

Preguntas Frecuentes icono

Frequently Asked Questions

Registro DPD icono

DPO Registration

Notificación brecha de seguridad icono

Personal Data Breach Notification

Asesora Brecha

Asesora Brecha

Comunica-Brecha RGPD

Comunica-Brecha RGPD

Gestiona EIPD icono

Gestiona RGPD/Manage GDPR

Facilita EMPRENDE icono



ValidaCripto RGPD

'Change the Plan' campaign

'Change the Plan' is a campaign to reduce the risks of abuse of screens on children’s health