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65 results

  • La identidad como derecho

    Identity as a right

    In this post, we discuss the potential implications of treating identity as a service rather than a fundamental right and how the shift towards identity as a service impacts individuals' control over their personal data. The commodification of identity may affect citizens' rights and freedoms...

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  • Council of Europe

    Participation of the Agency in international fora: The Council of Europe

    The Spanish Data Protection Agency (AEPD) has an intense international activity focused especially on the European Union and the bodies in which it has the legal obligation to participate, such as the European Data Protection Board.

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  • 1984

    1984 is a dystopian political fiction novel written by George Orwell between 1947 and 1948 and published on June 8, 1949.

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  • Cultural Recommendations

    The Spanish Data Protection Agency will periodically offer in this blog references to cultural elements that have stood out in its analysis of privacy from different points of view.

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  • Foto de Glenn Carstens-Peters en Unsplash

    Personal Data Breach: Security Focused on Processing

    The GDPR obligates controllers to implement appropriate technical and organisational measures to ensure an appropriate security level to the risk of processing.

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  • Intervención humana en las decisiones automatizadas

    Evaluating human intervention in automated decisions

    In the context of processing with possible automated decision-making, an assessment of the degree of human involvement is required, which involves assessing both the system used and the processing and its context. To this end, it is recommended to assess a person's participation in the decision...

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  • Router doméstico

    Protecting Our Children in the Digital World: The Home Internet (Wifi Router)

    Setting up Wi-Fi routers at home, or other alternative devices, are tools that can help us protect minors by filtering out content that is inappropriate for them. They differ from age verification methods and need families to be actively involved in order for them to function properly. Internet...

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  • Digitalización sin alternativas

    Digitalization without alternatives: The risk of discriminating against elderly people

    Last years, an increase in the phenomena of exclusion of elderly people has been observed in a multitude of services now offered digitally. In this context, elderly people are not an intrinsically vulnerable population, but they are placed in a vulnerable situation when only digital versions of...

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  • Bandera Unión Europea

    Trilogues and their importance in the EU legislative process

    The new law on artificial intelligence has recently been approved, after a long and intense debate. Do you know the legislative process followed in the European Union? Do you know what trilogues are? We will tell you everything about it.

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