


37 results

  • Orientaciones sobre cookies y analítica web en portales aapp

    Guidelines on Cookies and Web Analytics in Public Administration Websites

    The purpose of this document is to offer guidelines about the use of cookies and similar technologies in websites of Public Administrations, especially when it comes to the use of web analytics services. It is addressed to data controllers in the Public Sector and their data protection officers.

  • 10 Malentendidos sobre el Machine Learning

    10 Misunderstandings about Machine Learning

    Machine learning (ML) is a specific branch of AI, applied to the resolution of specific and limited problems - such as classification or prediction tasks. Unlike some other types of AI that try to distill human experience (e.g., expert systems ), the behaviour of machine learning systems is not...

  • Gestión del riesgo y evaluación de impacto en tratamientos de datos personales

    Risk Management and Impact Assessment in the Processing of Personal Data

    This document is a guide to the management of risks to the rights and freedoms of data subjects applicable to any processing operation, regardless of the level of risk. In addition, and for cases of high-risk processing, it incorporates the necessary guidelines for carrying out the Data Protection...

  • Guía para la notificación de brechas de datos personales

    Guide on Personal Data Breach Management and Notification

    This guide is designed for different data controllers processing personal data who could be affected by data security breaches, with the aim of enabling understanding of the GDPR regarding its requirement to notify the competent authority and, when relevant, the data subjects, so that the competent...

  • Requisitos para Auditorías de Tratamientos que incluyan IA

    Audit Requirements for Personal Data Processing Activities involving AI

    This document is mainly addressed to controllers who are in charge of auditing processing activities including AI-based components, as well as processors or developers who wish to provide guarantees with regard to their products and solutions, Data Protection Officers in charge of supervising...

  • Tecnologías y Protección de Datos en las AA.PP.

    Technologies and Data Protection in Public Administrations

    This document is mainly addressed to Data Protection Officers of the Public Administrations and civil servants in charge of promoting, managing and using these technologies within the Administration, albeit the content, and, most of all, the references included in it may likewise be useful to a...